Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Don't Go to the Reunion Review

In December 2012 Steve Goltz and Kevin Sommerfield who run Slasher Studios and are responsible for the Slasher shorts Teddy, Blood Brothers, and Popularity Killer launched a Kickstarter campaign for their first full length feature Don't Go to the Reunion. After having the film successfully funded they made the film and now its available for release on DVD. My good friend and Horror/Slasher Film Buff Brian Tyler wrote up a nice review to share. Also check out the trailer below and if it sounds like something you're into, head over to Slasher Studios and order it!

"Don't Go to the Reunion" starts out at Hamilton High School (if you get that reference... you'll enjoy the movie) where a group of seniors are planning a prank on Scott Rantzen (again, if you get the reference, this movie's for you) which of course ends up having terrible consequences.
Ten years later, the cruel kids have moved on with their lives, sort of. Each of them are invited to a high school reunion party at a creepy lakeside house. If you got those references above, I'm sure you can guess what happens next... and you should be pumped for it.
When I first heard that the talented freaks over at Slasher Studios were tackling their first feature length film, I was pretty damn excited. These are the guys who brought back that old school slasher feel with "Teddy" and "Popularity Killer", two shorts that are exactly what most full length, big budget slasher films of recent years wish they were. As a slasher buff, I just didn't want either of those to end but sadly they had to, and only after 11-20 minutes. So that's the main reason I got my hopes up so high for "Don't Go to the Reunion". Same writer, same director, same subgenre AND a longer running time. And as soon as the "Friday the 13th"-style credits started after an opening scene that echoed "Carrie" and "Slaughter High", I knew I would not be disappointed.
This beautiful piece of splatter art is filled with references, in-jokes and one-liners that only the most die-hard fans will understand. And I won't spoil the death scenes, but I will say that they are so much fun and I guarantee you will love the killer's M.O. However, even if you didn't grow up with films like "Prom Night" and "Happy Birthday to Me", there's plenty more to love here. For such a low budget film, it looks fucking great. They fully capitalized on the eerie settings, especially in that wonderfully executed playground scene. You also get lovable performances from Slasher Studios regulars Matty Dorschner, Hannah Herdt and Mike Goltz as well as newcomers Stephanie Leigh Rose and Spencer Harlan.
If I were to complain about anything, it's that this still just didn't feel long enough. It was the same problem I always have with these damn Slasher Studios productions, it was just too much fun and I didn't want it to end. Even though it had a longer running time, I was still like "No wait... I want more!" as the end credits rolled. I guess that's more of a compliment than a complaint though. If you recognize and appreciate any of the above references, what are you waiting for?! Head on over to slasherstudios.com and grab yourself a copy, so that you can enjoy some good old fashioned slasher fun and support the guys who are keeping the slasher subgenre alive.
- Review by Brain Tyler

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