Thursday, January 23, 2014

What's Happening

It's been a little while since an update and I really hope to start posting more content, but as of recently I relocated to Brooklyn, New York for school, so I have been really busy lately. I am studying Film so I plan on showcasing my fellow students work, my own work, and hopefully covering other film events that I attend in the city. My focus is still to cover as much about films being made by my peers all over the state so I'll still be talking about films like Killswitch and Iris which are both currently in production. In the meantime you should all head over to WatchWorks Studios and check out the films of Christopher Steinberger and stay up to date on his full feature Iris. Also check out the WatchWorks Studios Facebook page and like it for opportunities to win cool prizes. And like The Cinema Outlaw Facebook page as well!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

First Video Interview with the creators of "Killswtich"

Hello everyone, it's been awhile since my last update, but rest assured I will be more consistent in the coming weeks! I've been busy because I am getting ready to make my move to New York City. Once the I'm moved and settled in I will hopefully have more time to dedicate to The Cinema Outlaw. I mentioned in a previous post that I planned on doing some video interviews with independent filmmakers. Well, just the other day I sat down with Michael Yammine and Patrick Campbell to talk about their film Killswitch: Part 2. I had a really great time talking with them about their work and plans for the film which begins production this coming week. Please check out the interview and I would love to get some feedback on what you liked, didn't like, and if you would like to be interviewed or have someone in mind that I should interview, please let me know! Watch the interview below!

The Cinema Outlaw ft IRIS Media & Productions from IRIS Media & Productions on Vimeo.

Also please go ahead and like The Cinema Outlaw on Facebook!!