Thursday, July 21, 2016


My good friend and frequent collaborator Jordan Yagiello has recently released his follow up short film to "The Sleepover". This one is titled "EGGS" and it is about a man exploring his sexual fetishes and spicing up his sex life. Jordan worked with Denise Averbukh as his DP and the film also features Williamscott Sorge and William Breen, two filmmakers that I've talked about in previous posts.

From my understanding the production on "EGGS" had a bit of trouble from the start and a full eight minutes of the film has been lost due to data corruption (that's the nature of the digital era for you). While some of it's flaws show, despite all the production difficulties and lost footage, Jordan was still able to deliver a compelling film that showcases his unique sensibilities. "EGGS" features a great use of dynamic editing, juxtaposing distasteful images with classical music that had a transfixing on me. I can say after watching "EGGS", though I did not have a chance to crew on this film, I am proud to have collaborated many times with Jordan in the past, and I hope that we have the chance to work together again in the future.

Watch "EGGS" below and let us know what your sexual fetish is in the comments!

Eggs from Jordan Yagiello on Vimeo.

Fruit Snack Studios

FRUIT SNACK STUDIOS is a comedy sketch group started by my friend Brandon Lecy. His videos will occasionally feature myself in either the front of the camera or behind the camera, or possibly both. Brandon is one of the most talented people I know and his sketches are 100% him. All camera work, editing, writing, and original music is done by Brandon himself. He recently uploaded his very first short for FRUIT SNACK STUDIOS, which happens to be a reimagining of something we did together awhile back called "The Eggs".
Watch the video below and let us know in the comments what you think!
 Also check out Fruit Snack Studios on