Thursday, October 31, 2013

Watch Transparency the Movie Today Only

Remember when I told you about my very talented friend Anthony Mormile and his movie he was working on called Transparency? Well, the movie is finished and you can now watch it. However, he has made the movie available to watch for free instantly today on October 31st only. After that you'll have to go see it at it's premieres in Syracuse, New York and in New Jersey. I encourage everyone to watch it today if you have the time because it may be awhile before you get a chance to see it again. It will be available to watch at the link below from 3pm today until 3pm November 1st. Mormile worked extremely hard on this movie and it definitely shows. So watch this movie while you have the chance because he will be someone you hear about again in the future!

Here is the link to watch it


And feel free to leave a comment here with your thoughts. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Heroes of Horror - Syracuse International Film Festival

Brian C. Tyler who wrote the killer Don't Go to the Reunion review wanted to contribute his thoughts about the Syracuse International Film Festival this past Friday night!

Horror fans in the 315 area were in for a real treat when they showed up to Syracuse's Palace Theater Friday night for a special screening of Adam Green's "Frozen" and Joe Lynch's "Wrong Turn 2" with a couple other surprises hosted by the directors themselves.
If you haven't heard of it, "Frozen" is the story of three young adults who end up stranded on a chairlift in the dead of winter and are forced to make some difficult choices in order to survive. It has been said that "Frozen" has done for skiing what "Jaws" did for swimming, and I would say that is a pretty fair statement. After making the bloody, over-the-top 80's slasher throwback "Hatchet", Adam Green steps up to the challenge of making an intense, edge-of-your seat thriller with nothing but three actors, a chairlift and lots of snow. Oh and there's wolves too. That takes a lot of talent and I think everyone who attended Friday night will agree that he did a pretty amazing job.
In between films, Green and Lynch answered some questions for the fans and gave a lot of insight into their films, their sitcom and their careers in general, giving a lot of useful advice to all the aspiring filmmakers in the theater. Next we got to see a season-two episode of their show "Holliston", which they both write, direct, produce and star in. For those who don't know, "Holliston" is a sort of "Big Bang Theory" for die hard horror fans, filled with in-jokes, homages, sick humor and most importantly lots of heart. The particular episode was a sort of spoof on 'found-footage' horror films such as "The Blair Witch Project" and "The Devil Inside", and lots of laughs were had by the audience. Just after, Joe Lynch surprised us all with a well made short film he directed that comic-book fans would love before beginning the final film of the night.
"Wrong Turn 2" is a low budget DTV sequel to the 2003 film about a cannibalistic family in the woods of West Virginia. While the first film had a very serious tone and fit in very well with the (then) current trend of theatrical horror films echoing 1970's exploitation, Lynch made the sequel into a bloody, fun, disgusting and surprisingly suspenseful throwback to the 1980's. Fans of films from that era such as "Re-Animator", "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2" and "Evil Dead II" would find lots to love in this film. And on top of all that, we have a scene-stealing Henry Rollins who goes all RAMBO on the deformed cannibals. It was the perfect way to cap off a great night.
After the films were done, Adam and Joe took the time to sign autographs, take pictures and talk with the fans, who all could not have asked for a better experience. As a horror fan, I have had many great nights at the Palace Theater thanks to Jeff Meyer who works year-round to put on several great shows there, but that was by far one of the best.

Friday, October 4, 2013

10th Annual Syracuse International Film Festival - "It" (1927)

Well, it's finally here! Wednesday was the opening night of the 10th Annual Syracuse Film Festival and it will continue on for the next four days until October 6th! The opening night of the film festival did not have a film screening, instead it had a showcase of art pieces from the artist Silvano Campeggi. His work goes back to the Golden Era of Hollywood Cinema. He did posters and artwork for films such as Casablanca, Gigi, An American in Paris, Ben-Hur, and many more. Unfortunately I was not able to attend the opening night and see all the work of this master of his era.

Last night was the first screening which was the silent film It (1927) starring the magnetic Clara Bow and it was accompanied by a live 17 piece orchestra performing a score by Patrick Doyle. Doyle has composed music for films such as Sense and Sensibility, Gosford Park, and Thor. Both the film and music was absolutely fantastic and I enjoyed myself immensely. The Palace Theater had a packed house and it was great to see people enjoying such a classic film. After the film there was a party held upstairs for guests to mingle. I would also like to thank Rebeccah Pope for being such a great festival manager and the rest of the people working the Syracuse Film Festival.

Don't forget the festival is going on for three more days and there will be a lot of great movies being screened. Today Joel Schumacher will be there presenting his 1993 independent classic Falling Down. Then later Adam Green and Joe Lynch will be presenting there films Frozen and Wrong Turn 2. It should be an awesome night and I will be there volunteering so if you see me please come and say hello!

A lot of great things going on Saturday and Sunday as well the premiers  of Willow Creek (2013) and Adult World (2013) starring John Cusack and Emma Roberts. 

For full festival information please check out Film In Syracuse.